Featured Artist at OSM Salem, Dago Benavidez. Dago was born in a small town on the Texas panhandle, Lockney. He writes,

“My first memories of this place are what I saw in the spring as a child, a beautiful rainbow of vivid colors of wildflowers, which formed a carpet-like scene as far as the eye could see.

This, I am certain, instilled in me a love of colors that is something I have never forgotten.
This, I am certain, is what has made me appreciate the beautiful colors I see all around me in nature.

Love of painting has always been a passion of mine and so is a major part of my life.
Painting gives me a perspective on things that I wish to put on canvas: things I feel in my heart and beauty I see with my eyes. It allows me to see beautiful colors or scenes in every day events.”

Dago lives in Salem with his wife, Jung, and their daughter, Sisi. When he’s not painting, you can find him at the Oregon Employment Department.

Check out his website: dagosoriginalart.com

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