Massage training at Oregon School of Massage includes, along with the health sciences and the theory and practice of massage, components of developing self-awareness and broadening our communication skills. That learning happens in many ways…formal instruction, informal reflection and practicing clarity in how we communicate. Some classes will include journaling as one of those learning activities. Here’s what a new student recently wrote in here class journal.

Journal Class Entry 3/18/11

by Julie Pihl

I know that I don’t need to do this journal entry for class. I need to do it for me.

I can’t believe how lucky I have been the last 10 weeks. Several students have been in all of my classes with me. They are amazing. All of my instructors have been amazing. All of my experiences have been amazing. It just goes on and on.

I never questioned if I chose the right school. I knew I was making the right decision, I just never imagined it would be so perfect. While being a student has really challenged me beyond what I thought I could do, the information I have absorbed has felt like water to a person crossing the desert for me. Now I have good study habits, my brain is engaged and I am drinking from the well of life. Who would have thought I would go to school? Who would have thought I would like it? Who would have expected me to do good at it? Who would have thought I would encounter such loving caring people to show me the way to the water?

Thank you both (i.e., her massage instructor and the teaching assistant)!
Julie started training in January 2011. She and her husband operate the Pihl Excavating Company in Banks, Oregon; most of their work is with Oregon vineyards. One thing she does in the company is maintain their website: Her educational background includes a high school diploma and lots of on-the-job-training.

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